5 Non-Traditional Wedding Ideas

By Published On: June 23, 2024

Weddings are full of a billion and one traditions and sometimes it feels like you can’t break any of them for fear of judgement! We’re here to say, do what you want! It’s your day and you deserve to make it as traditional or non-traditional as you want. So, here are some ideas to break away from tradition on your wedding day!

Non-Traditional Wedding Ideas

1. Have each partner’s parents “take in” the other

Instead of the old “giving away” the bride tradition, try having both families “take in” their child’s partner as a part of their family. Insider says “The father handing off the bride to her husband used to be more of a business transaction” which started in the 1500s. We think it’s time to retire this old tradition for something less degrading and more accepting. This is why we love the idea of both families welcoming their child’s partner!

2. Wear what you want

The white dress; another tradition that is centuries old. Don’t get us wrong, white dresses are gorgeous, and they have become a staple for weddings for a very long time. Just like giving away the bride, the meaning behind the white dress is not great. The color white is associated with purity and virtue, which basically just symbolized the bride’s chastity. Ugh. Just why? Bride’s didn’t start wearing white until about 200 years ago, when Queen Victoria decided to opt for a white dress instead of traditional coronation robes. So, wear what you want. Queen Victoria did, so you absolutely should too! Wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable, regardless of the color!

3. Scrap the traditional guest book

Making a video book is a great way to encapsulate your loved ones on your wedding day. The pros to doing this over a written guest book is that you get to hear and see your mom, your best friend, your grandparents, etc. on that special day forever! Use technology to your advantage, and give your guests the chance to give advice, send you warm wishes, or tell an embarrassing story in front of the camera. Hand the footage off to your videographer, where they’ll edit everything to perfection for you to watch whenever you please!

4. Have gender-neutral wedding parties

Gender is a spectrum, it’s 2021 people! Instead of limiting yourself to only girls or only guys in your wedding party, mix it up and curate your wedding party so it’s your closest loved ones, regardless of gender. Have fun with your friends without leaving anybody out!

5. Rethink your flower girls and ring bearer

Opt for flower grannies instead of flower girls! We heard about this idea not too long ago, and since then, it’s been one of our favorite twists on tradition for a wedding! Also, who said ring bearers have to be young? You can swap these roles so your older relatives can take part in the ceremony. If you don’t have any little ones in your life, this is a great option and will make your elders feel very loved and cherished!

Non-Traditional Wedding Ideas From Nearlywed

What did you think of these ideas? Will you be implementing any of them into your wedding day? Whatever you choose to do, traditional or not, just remember that nobody’s opinion matters but you and your partner’s!

Non-Traditional Wedding Ideas

Photo by Wind and Waves Media

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