5 Clear Skin Tips to Help You Glow on Your Wedding Day

By Published On: June 9, 2024

You deserve to have glowing skin on your wedding day! To make this feat possible, it’s going to take a little TLC on your part! For anyone who struggles with breakouts, you know they can be tough to manage, but there are preventative measures you can take! The key is to start implementing these techniques and strategies 6 months to a year before your wedding (if possible). It’s going to be tough to hold yourself accountable, so why not drag your partner into this with you? At the end of the day, wouldn’t it be nice for you both to have clear skin come your wedding?

5 Clear Skin Tips to Help You Glow on Your Wedding Day

Try Implementing a Healthy Diet

We’re not talking anything crazy here! Extreme diets are tough to follow and often end up doing more harm than good to one’s body! We just want you to start thinking more consciously about what you’re putting into your body. For  a snack, try swapping out a bag of chips for some veggies with a yummy dip. There are hundreds of thousands of amazing healthy recipes out there, you just have to be willing to put in the effort to make them! Try cutting back on added sugar and unnecessary carbs. Swapping out these two things with more protein and greens can really make a difference in your skin! As the saying goes, you are what you eat, right?


Start Getting Facials

If you have room in your budget, it’s a great idea to start getting facials 6 months before your wedding! You know your skin best, so address any skin concerns you have, and which products work/don’t work for you so the salon professional knows which products to pick out for you! The great thing about starting facials so far in advance, is that your salon professional gets a chance to really know you and you skin. They can see what works and doesn’t work with your skin type. By doing this, they’ll be able to help you and answer any questions you have if any skin problems arise!

Let Yourself Sleep

Quality sleep is a key component to healthy skin. Sleeping is when the regeneration of cells and tissue happens, so it’s crucial to prioritize a good night’s sleep as much as you can! The last thing you want is deep dark eye circles rudely interrupting on the day of your wedding!


Cleanse, Tone, and Moisturize

It’s SO important that you’re cleaning your skin twice a day with a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer! With air pollution and makeup, the skin endures a lot throughout the day, so be gentle with it and give it a good clean. It’s also very ideal that you use sunscreen on your face when going outside. Sun damage is the worst damage you can do to your skin, so using sunscreen is your best bet at preventing it!

Manage Your Stress

This is easier said than done, but stress does a number to the body, and thus, the skin. Finding a healthy coping skill to use when you’re feeling stressed out is a great way to start. This can look like: going on a walk, taking a relaxing bath, listening to your favorite album, or eating your comfort food! A great way to manage daily stress before it arises is to implement meditation into your every day routine. Meditating for as little as 10 minutes right when your wake up or before your go to sleep, can help drastically. There are guided meditations you can find with a quick search on YouTube or Spotify. You can also download highly ranked meditation apps!

Clear Skin Tips to Help You Glow on Your Wedding Day

These are just a few ways to be mindful of the way you’re treating your skin. Remember, try implementing a few, if not all, of these practices 6 months to a year before your wedding date! Clear skin definitely isn’t a must have, but it does feel nice, and often helps with ones confidence!


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