6 Unique Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

By Published On: January 20, 2024

Your wedding bouquet is a special and sacred work of art from your big day. For many years, couples have been preserving the bridal bouquet as a sentimental heirloom in remembrance of such a momentous occasion. With modern technology and material availability, more fun and distinct options have become available for preserving such a delicate item in unique and elegant ways. We’ve listed six unique ways to preserve your wedding bouquet below!

Dried Floral Frame

Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

Pressing and drying flowers is one of the oldest forms of floral preservation, and why mess with a classic! While it takes time and patience to dry each flower individually and ensure all moisture content is gone to prevent molding or rot, the process is worth it. The flowers are left even more delicate, wispy, and whimsical than before. A modern take on displaying your dried floral bouquet is using a full glass frame to arrange and keep the flowers safe. The full glass frame gives the illusion of suspension and creates a beautiful, ethereal vibe to your wedding bouquet, and makes a unique tabletop or hanging wall décor item.

Dried Full Bouquet

Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

In the same vein as the dried floral frame, the dried full bouquet is a modern twist on an old practice. Hang your bouquet in its original form upside down in a cool, dry place until all of the flowers are fully dry. Once the bouquet is dried, tie the stem with a nice piece of twine or ribbon and hang the bouquet on your wall, from the ceiling, or on another piece of home furniture. Another option with your dried bouquet is to find a special vase and display the full bouquet as if it were still alive in a glass of water. Any of these options are visually stunning and will highlight the importance of your special day bouquet!

Professional Photography

Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

A professional photographer can capture high-quality images of your bouquet for longevity without having to preserve the physical bouquet. Photography can be used in a variety of ways, including detailed pictures of the bouquet itself, or perhaps a flat-display image of each individual flower type included in the bouquet, which can then be made into a beautiful work of art with calligraphy captions announcing the name of each flower or foliage type.

Epoxy Resin Bouquet

Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

Epoxy resin is an increasingly popular art form that can encase a variety of items in it for the long-haul. When done correctly, it is a transparent, full-bodied work of art that can be displayed on a shelf, wall or even used as a paperweight or bookend. Epoxy resin can include a variety of multi-media in the finished piece, so other special items from your day could be included among the flowers if you so desired, like photos, jewelry (if you don’t want to wear it again), invitations, and more.

Painted Bouquet

Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

Hired artists are becoming more popular in modern weddings to paint the wedding day, portraits of guests, and the happy couple. Another option for bouquet preservation is having an artist paint your bouquet on your special day, so that you have a finished work of art to hang on your walls and cherish from the event itself. This also saves you the hassle of preserving and maintaining your physical bouquet long-term. While its definitely possible, as we’ve noted, it’s more difficult since the flowers are extremely delicate! A painting is a unique and special way to remember and preserve your wedding bouquet.

Embroidered Bouquet

Ways To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

Embroidery is an art form that requires talent, skill and patience. Similar to painting and photography, embroidery allows for the preservation of your bouquet without having to care for the actual flowers from your special day. Find a professional and send them your bouquet or a good quality photograph and have them create a one-of-a-kind work of art for you to display and adore for years to come!

How you preserve your bouquet is up to you! There are so many ideas for saving your bouquet in unique and special ways. Every couple is different, and the way you ultimately preserve your bouquet is a reflection of your own distinct tastes and desires. We hope these six ideas for preserving your wedding bouquet will help to inspire you after your beautiful day!

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