Four Wedding Day Items You Need From Amazon
Trying to plan what to pack for your wedding day can be stressful, but having specific items available during your special day can help lower that stress. Below we have compiled a list of items that you may not have thought of right away but will help tremendously in the long run.
This Stunning Emerald Ring Box
This may not be an item you have thought of but I promise you, it is worth the purchase. Keeping your rings in one safe place, allowing the best man to carry them in a container, and providing your photographer with a gorgeous prop, this ring box has many positives.
This Must Have Wedding Garment Bag
Having a garment bag to carry your wedding dress and prevent it from getting dirty is a definite must have. Adding in the facts that this also holds shoes, jewelry, and any other accessories, you won’t regret this purchase!
This Portable Handheld Steamer
One item you probably don’t consider until you see bridesmaids steaming their dresses before the big moment at another wedding is this steamer. This will help get wrinkles out of your dress and your bridesmaids’ dresses to help make sure you are all picture perfect.
These Vow Books
One item you may not think you need but will help you and your future hubby get through the ceremony are these vow books. Whether you plan on sharing them during the ceremony or later privately with just each other, these books are the cutest addition to your wedding day must haves!
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